
Strategies for European MSPs to Thrive in a Booming Market at Paris MSPCon 2024

Written by Marketing Lenet | Jun 19, 2024 8:40:29 AM

Last week, MSPCon 2024, one of Europe's premier MSP conferences, took place in Paris, attracting top industry talent and thought leaders. This event is renowned for discussing emerging trends, sharing best practices, and shaping the future of the rapidly evolving MSP landscape.

Key Insights from Lenet’s Expertise

Olivier Havette, CEO of Lenet, was the guest speaker at MSPCon 2024. Drawing from extensive experience in the mature U.S. MSP market, he shared valuable strategies to help European MSPs thrive in a booming market. These insights provided a blueprint for European companies experiencing similar growth trajectories.

Embracing a Remote-First Approach

One crucial strategy highlighted was the adoption of remote work models. Lenet operates with a predominantly remote workforce, which has been key to accessing top technical talent without geographic constraints. This approach contrasts with the still prevalent on-premises work culture in Europe. European MSPs looking to expand their talent pools and service capabilities should consider embracing remote work flexibility as a strategic step.

Leveraging Peer Groups and Knowledge Sharing

Another standout strategy from the U.S. MSP market is the strong culture of peer group collaboration and best practice sharing. Lenet actively participates in multiple peer groups, including a principal CEO group and specialized groups for service executives, security professionals, and business managers. These forums facilitate the exchange of tactical ideas and learning from each other's successes and failures. European MSPs can accelerate their maturity and avoid common pitfalls by actively engaging in such peer group knowledge sharing.

Becoming Indispensable Strategic Partners

European MSPs are also advised to avoid competing on price alone and instead focus on entrenching their value as indispensable strategic partners. This involves deeply understanding client needs and offering comprehensive service bundles, including cybersecurity, technical support, consulting services, and clear response capabilities. By positioning themselves as strategic thinkers rather than commodity vendors, MSPs can better address clients' top concerns and pain points.

Lenet’s innovative "full value matrix" sales tool exemplifies this approach. The matrix visually presents the full breadth of bundled services included in their premium offering, allowing prospects to compare against lower-cost but piecemeal alternatives. This value-centric positioning reinforces their role as strategic partners committed to long-term client success.

Riding the Growth Wave Successfully

European MSPs willing to embrace remote work flexibility, participate in collaborative peer knowledge-sharing, and focus on articulating their strategic value will be well-positioned to ride the growth wave successfully. Lenet’s proven strategies in cultivating top-tier talent, optimizing delivery models through automation and security, and consistently demonstrating their indispensable value to clients provide a validated blueprint for European MSPs to emulate and leapfrog ahead.

By adopting these strategies, European MSPs can navigate their upward trajectories with confidence and achieve sustained success in a booming market.